PhD candidate, Computer Vision. Gamer.
In the Eye of Beholder: Joint Learning of Gaze and Actions in First Person Video
21 June 2021
Authors: Yin Li, Miao Liu, James M. RehgURL:
Comments: 2018 Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)
Categories: attention, action-recognition, gaze-prediction, egocentric
Joint gaze estimation and action recognition using gaze distribution as attention. New dataset EGTEA (fine-grained actions) - 28hrs with 2D gaze labelling.
Gaze is used for FPV action recognition since it naturally defined the ROI which can be used for attention based network. Gaze measurements are also quite in-consistent and causes uncertainty in modelling deep networks which is why instead of 2D gaze coordinates, a probabilistic distribution is preferred for modelling the deep network.
The authors use 2D gaze coordinates and transform it to a probabilistic distribution of gaze to create a saliency map for the image plane.
The saliency acts as an attention grid for the input frame(s), which is used to extract visual features from the image. - weighted average pooling. The extracted features are then fed to a classifier which predicts the action.
: empty_plane = np.zeros(m,n)
: empty_plane[x][y] = 1 ## gaze position
: q(m,n) = multivariate_normal(q(m,n)) ## probabilistic distribution , when no gaze is available, instead use a uniform distribution.
: g'(m,n) <- q(m,n) ## gaze attention map
: p(g|x) = g'(m,n)
: π = qψ(X) ## output from the neural network, distribution achieved by the network
: q(g|x) = π(m,n)
: p(y|g, x) = f (Σ(m,n) π(m,n) φ(x)(m,n) ) = SOFTMAX(W_t (Σ(m,n) π(m,n) φ(x)(m,n))
The sampling from π(m,n)
is done using Gumbel-Softmax approach to make the entire pipeline fully differentiable instead of direct sampling.
Since, the network has two main goals to achieve : Create accurate gaze distribution and predict correct action. Therefore, the loss function is the negative of empirical lower bound :
Loss : −Σ log(p(y|g,x)) + KL[q(g|x)||p(g|x)]
TL;DR Actions and Hand Mask Annotations.
The action classification accuracy is best when combined with gaze probability / attention on EGTEA dataset. When trained and tested on Epic-Kitchen, it performs on par with SOTA but not better, given that EPIC-Kitchen does not have gaze labelling.
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